Friday, November 6, 2009

What I Love About You...14 Weeks

14 Weeks

I Love...
-to watch you just stare at your feet. It's so much fun to see you discover different parts of your body!

-how you wink at me! I can't believe I caught one on camera!

-your beautiful blue eyes!

-watching your Daddy give you a bath. It's so sweet!

-how much you enjoy your baths now. We really enjoy playing during this time!

-how you LOVE to go for walks! You often fall asleep and you look so cute!!!

-that you are such and AWESOME baby! We ate at Cracker Barrel (thanks SABC GA's) this day and you were so good! Look at that cute foot in the air!

-to watch you s-t-r-e-t-c-h! It is too cute and you can really see how long you are!

-to watch you blow bubbles even though you have VERY wet bibs because of it! I finally caught a picture!

-watching you grab your toes. I showed you how to do it the other day and now you are trying ALL the time! It's too cute!

- and am sad about how grown up you are already! These pictures are different stages of you turning yourself around. You started in one position and turned a full 360 degrees counter clockwise and just kept going! You also held on to the orange ring in your hand the entire time. So sweet!

-how you had both of these rings in your hand at once.

-how you kept trying to chew on this part of your playmat. This is the best picture I could get.
-your HUGE, gummy smiles! I love you so much!

I guess I need to get out some things for you to chew on now. ;)